1·A book on the subject of the structure and function of cells should devote space to examining some of the basic principles of chemistry.
2·Editors of major United States news magazines have been criticized for reducing the amount of space these magazines devote to international news.
3·Rather than devote immeasurable resources to sending humans into space, Park said science should instead build stronger telescopes to better study distant stars and planets.
4·The net effect is that the application developer can devote more attention to the business logic, and the gap between the problem and solution space is decreased.
5·Such responsibilities are not covered very well even in those big fat books on UNIX, which seem to devote a lot of space to pulling down menus in windows managers.
6·America's farmers will devote more acres to the crop this year, but cotton still has to compete for space with similarly booming crops such as wheat, corn and soyabeans.
7·But we feel that nowadays the true "luxury" is having space and time to devote.
8·If Marx considered pricing an unimportant phenomena which only served to obscure the relevant relationships, when why did he devote so much effort and space to the transformation problem?
9·Everybody should consciously and actively devote to the creation, design, reconstruction, and production of space.
10·He wants to become an astronaut and devote himself to the study of space science.